And I stand firm in my shotty reasoning.
Seriously, every time I see a balloon, I can't help but get glimmer-eyed and smile.
There is something so whimsically fantastical about balloons.
Not to mention, they encompass everything I adore: chubby, round, soft, & colorful.

[Jonas Wagell] How awesome is this? Please, tell me what I need to do to do put together things like this the rest of my life!
[Max Wagner] Seriously, you canNOT deny the adorable awesomeness of that perfectly air-filled rubber sphere of joy!

[Trafalgarssquare] I just squealed.

[Fay Hwang, My mommy <3]
This was a "guardian angel" that my mommy made for me my sophomore year at school. I had a really horrible time adjusting to everything, was waking up to nightmares, and felt anxious all the time. Yeah, I got problems, whatever. God really used my mom's gifts and talents to remind me that He was protecting me. Haha, it really reminds me of my mommy too. She looks like that, all small and smiley =)
[Me] I dream to have a picnic with my husband (whoever he will be) in a hot air balloon someday. So, husband-whoever-you-will-be, please take a special note of this. HAHA =)
Today, I'm going to help two of my little sisters from church with hair and make-up for their jr/sr prom!!! I think I'm more excited than they are...
Toodles, noodles, and smiles,