Anyway, there was a steep hill and I was cruising down. I kind of got a little scared so I tried to slow down. Little did I know, my bike chain popped out and my bike started to fishtail and then I cursed...and then I knew I was doomed to crash into a tree and I flew through it. It happened so fast. I just have a few bruises on my legs and a scrape on my ankle. My bike now needs to go to the shop to get a tune up and some new tires. Thankfully, it happened towards the end of the trail so I enjoyed most of my time. It was kind of scary'm still thinking about it.
I didn't have my phone on me, so I couldn't take any pictures to share...but it was GORGEOUS! I'm definitely going back...and now...I want a mountain bike...
My next two "big" purchases:

Fujifilm Finepix x100
and some kind of nice mountain bike that won't fling me into a tree when I'm going down a hill.
^_^ I love being outside on days like this. I LOVE FALL!!! Have a blessed week, ya'll!