Sunday, September 26, 2010

I will sing of love come down...

I encourage you to listen to this song, "Lord, You Have My Heart" by Delirious. I was deeply blessed by it this morning.

Things that made me smile:
-Even though God is the only one who has the authority to judge me, he takes me as I am
-Even though my family is imperfect, I know we are blessed
-Even though I am imperfect, I know I am blessed
-I am blessed because I know Jesus
-Today was only the second day of teaching the 1st graders, but one of my students thanked God that I was teaching them today during prayer. That truly made me feel special and I know that was from God beautiful it is, how unique simple phrases can be with the switch of a note, key, tone
-The rain
-I physically felt God teaching me today in my heart, helping me to restrain from saying certain things and encourage in others
-Yum Yum Donuts!
-My jeans fit me today. HAHA =P
-The idea of "refuge"
-Being able to drive on my driveway again (we've been parking on the side of the road because we just re-paved our driveway)
-My 1st graders can admit that they're not perfect, something people my age and older can't confess or believe about themselves.
-Pandora. *Click! Click!* and music plays

Smile big,

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