Anyways, instead of spending my time talking about things I don't like, I wanted to talk about things I actually do like!...Makes sense, right? =)
Today, I didn't have a chance to go on my morning run. It was partly due to the fact that my calves are still sore from Tuesday's run + conditioning at Tae Kwon Do, partly due to the fact that I talked myself into sleeping an extra hour because I can (one of the many luxuries of being a professional studier). Then, I quickly had to blast out of bed and run errands for the cafe that my church is trying to start up. The times I spend with my cafe ministry small group are so precious to me. Praying with them always brings me to my knees and I know the Lord is guiding our every moment, every discovery and vision. Anyways, to make a long story short, I had a bunch of things to do today and I had just finished my much craved ramyun and mandoo for dinner...30 minutes later, I was out the door and running as fast as I could in the dusk (I will refrain from using "twilight" because I'm mad Google didn't know what I was looking for. HAHA).
I've never taken a run so dark into the evening, only being able to see 5 feet in front of my steps. Granted it was only about 7:30, but I guess it's just the signs of Autumn truly making its way back into our lives. The night is much louder than the morning. Man, I had a million thoughts in my head, but nature was chatting much louder than I was. It was kind of like trying to study at Barnes by the cafe...noise coming from every direction, never ceasing. I think it was a blessing that it was so loud. It made me stop thinking and just enjoy what is simply around me. Hear what is outside of me instead of what is within me.
And here I am, 10:36pm, LSAT books glaring at me (!!!), calves sore, full belly with unni's birthday cake...another day that God let me live.
Smile Big,
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