I am evidence that people like music even when they don't know what the song is about. I'm not proud to admit that, but it's true. I love "Firework" by Katy Perry and I finally know what it's about: Finding your self-worth. Isn't it true that many of us underestimate what we were made to be? In seeking God and his heart, I can confidently say that He made me ON PURPOSE WITH PURPOSE. I believe that goes for all people. With that, even though Perry doesn't have the most "innocent" songs, she gets it that we are all fireworks! We are something to be celebrated and cherished.
So, go on and take a hold of the worth in which God has given you through his son, Jesus Christ. And you don't have to tip-toe through life. Make loud steps, make a mark. Don't worry about the scars or the bruises. Don't worry about falling. If you do, there's really only one direction to go and that's upward. You are worth it, so very much.
That's my 2 cents for the day, baby!
Smile Big, Firework =)
"Be joyful always, pray continuously, and give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
I think I really miss it
Thought 1:
I miss winter breaks. Winter breaks are special because they are too short for you to feel obligated from working to fill your resume and they're just long enough to get you pumped for the semester that follows. Everyone keeps asking me, "Are you excited about winter break?" Woe is me, I have no winter break. I have winter, but no break.
Thought 2:
The phrase "live a little" has taken on new meaning for me. I feel like people usually say that when the person's too uptight to go out for drinks or bungee jumping or something crazy and spontaneous. To me, it means "enjoy the process".
In the coming new year, I want to be transformed into someone who LIVES rather than someone who is planning how to live. I want to appreciate the steps God allows me take rather than starring anxiously at the prize.
Thought 3: Is it sad that I don't know how to play in the snow? =( Someone teach me! Every winter, something always comes up and I don't get to play in the snow. I have become quite the awkward snow player in my 23 (EW) years of life.
Smile big, kiddos!
I miss winter breaks. Winter breaks are special because they are too short for you to feel obligated from working to fill your resume and they're just long enough to get you pumped for the semester that follows. Everyone keeps asking me, "Are you excited about winter break?" Woe is me, I have no winter break. I have winter, but no break.
Thought 2:
The phrase "live a little" has taken on new meaning for me. I feel like people usually say that when the person's too uptight to go out for drinks or bungee jumping or something crazy and spontaneous. To me, it means "enjoy the process".
In the coming new year, I want to be transformed into someone who LIVES rather than someone who is planning how to live. I want to appreciate the steps God allows me take rather than starring anxiously at the prize.
Thought 3: Is it sad that I don't know how to play in the snow? =( Someone teach me! Every winter, something always comes up and I don't get to play in the snow. I have become quite the awkward snow player in my 23 (EW) years of life.
Smile big, kiddos!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Letter from Family
I have relatives in Hong Kong (I am Korean) and just received a letter from them for Christmas. I want to write a little excerpt from their letter because it cracked me up and I want to remember it.
Background story: This family is very near and dear to me not just because they are my relatives but because they are true living testimonies of God's grace. They have shown me that it's never too late to live, never too late to hope, and never too soon to hold onto the Lord. Their oldest son Isaac was born 3 months premature. His twin sister Rachel Grace did not make it through labor. He lived in an incubator for many months, underwent various surgeries, battles certain hearing and speech disabilities because of the extreme pre-mature birth. I had a chance to stay with them when they were living in Japan and play with him. It makes me so happy to hear that they are all growing together as a family. I've taken the names out simply for their protection because I don't trust the internet. HAHA
Excerpt from letter:
"While [the dad, my cousin] is keeping very busy as usual working, working, working, what he really loves is the time he spends with I--- and A---. Daddy loves coming up with fun activities for the children and keeping them on their toes. He is often more entertained than the kids forcing them to learn "safe words" (in our case "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY") to escape severe tickling, performing a new form of physical therapy on I--- by applying submission moves learned from UFC fights and continually trying to catch the kids in a moment of inattentiveness by intentionally misreading stories or pretending to be a petulant North Korean by blatantly denying something he just said."
HAHAHAHAHA I just cracked up again. That made me smile. I love their humor, too =)
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
Smile big,
Background story: This family is very near and dear to me not just because they are my relatives but because they are true living testimonies of God's grace. They have shown me that it's never too late to live, never too late to hope, and never too soon to hold onto the Lord. Their oldest son Isaac was born 3 months premature. His twin sister Rachel Grace did not make it through labor. He lived in an incubator for many months, underwent various surgeries, battles certain hearing and speech disabilities because of the extreme pre-mature birth. I had a chance to stay with them when they were living in Japan and play with him. It makes me so happy to hear that they are all growing together as a family. I've taken the names out simply for their protection because I don't trust the internet. HAHA
Excerpt from letter:
"While [the dad, my cousin] is keeping very busy as usual working, working, working, what he really loves is the time he spends with I--- and A---. Daddy loves coming up with fun activities for the children and keeping them on their toes. He is often more entertained than the kids forcing them to learn "safe words" (in our case "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY") to escape severe tickling, performing a new form of physical therapy on I--- by applying submission moves learned from UFC fights and continually trying to catch the kids in a moment of inattentiveness by intentionally misreading stories or pretending to be a petulant North Korean by blatantly denying something he just said."
HAHAHAHAHA I just cracked up again. That made me smile. I love their humor, too =)
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
Smile big,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
This Christmas
Don't be afraid to say, "Merry Christmas!"
Jesus came for all not just Christians so that ALL could have a chance to be saved and experience amazing grace.
This Christmas, let's get rid of "Happy Holidays". If you are really excited about Christ's birth and if it really means something to you, don't be selfish and keep it to yourself. Go and share that joy. If they feel as though it's unprofessional or imposing, simply explain that you are just sharing something that you treasure with them.
I am really bothered by the people who are on TV explaining what the meaning of Christmas is. I keep hearing that it's about enjoying friends and family, being kind, reaching out to the poor and unfortunate. As noble and nice as it sounds, I don't think that's what Christmas is about at all. Those are the effects of Christmas, not the cause of Christmas. Christmas is about acknowledging and celebrating the light of Jesus Christ. It's about turning to God and saying, "Thank you for a second chance through your Son." It's about how God revealed his heart for us, His children.
Honestly, I don't think you'll ruin someone's day by saying, "Merry Christmas". It might throw them off, but if it does, GOOD JOB! Now they're thinking about Christmas!
Smile big and Merry Christmas, everyone!
Jesus came for all not just Christians so that ALL could have a chance to be saved and experience amazing grace.
This Christmas, let's get rid of "Happy Holidays". If you are really excited about Christ's birth and if it really means something to you, don't be selfish and keep it to yourself. Go and share that joy. If they feel as though it's unprofessional or imposing, simply explain that you are just sharing something that you treasure with them.
I am really bothered by the people who are on TV explaining what the meaning of Christmas is. I keep hearing that it's about enjoying friends and family, being kind, reaching out to the poor and unfortunate. As noble and nice as it sounds, I don't think that's what Christmas is about at all. Those are the effects of Christmas, not the cause of Christmas. Christmas is about acknowledging and celebrating the light of Jesus Christ. It's about turning to God and saying, "Thank you for a second chance through your Son." It's about how God revealed his heart for us, His children.
Honestly, I don't think you'll ruin someone's day by saying, "Merry Christmas". It might throw them off, but if it does, GOOD JOB! Now they're thinking about Christmas!
Smile big and Merry Christmas, everyone!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Inspiration Explosion
I'm really tired right now because I've been thinking and dreaming too much today. I spent the afternoon trying to finish my personal statement for applications but honestly, I just feel like a crazy person right now. I have so much on my mind, want to do everything in the world, and I think I need some dinner in my tummy.
Man, kimchee, spam, and eggs would be so awesome. Oh yes, can't forget the bahp. But it has to be white rice because all them other kinds of crazy bahps are no good with spam and eggs. Freaking love spam and eggs. My tummy just grumbled in agreement.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I need a trampoline so that I can jump all this excitement off! And then maybe I'll be calm enough to pray and be a normal person about life...or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Okay, that was exciting.
Back to studying for my P.A.S. exam.
Smile big and be inspired,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Mm...you know who I'm gunna talk about! MAH MANS VICK AND JACKSON!!!
My throat is killing me right now because I was cheering my Eagles on ALL DAY! You know it!
Sickest game ever. Michael Vick, why you so smooth like that?! DeSean Jackson, will you marry me? Why are you so funny and so quick with it?! AHHHHH!!! Okay, and I don't want to forget the in-betweens because they were sick too: Celek, McCoy, and Avant <3

Awesome. ^_^ EAGLES, PHILLY, and FAM, YA'LL MADE ME SMILE! OO weeeeeee~
Smile Big,
My throat is killing me right now because I was cheering my Eagles on ALL DAY! You know it!
Sickest game ever. Michael Vick, why you so smooth like that?! DeSean Jackson, will you marry me? Why are you so funny and so quick with it?! AHHHHH!!! Okay, and I don't want to forget the in-betweens because they were sick too: Celek, McCoy, and Avant <3
Awesome. ^_^ EAGLES, PHILLY, and FAM, YA'LL MADE ME SMILE! OO weeeeeee~
Smile Big,
Friday, December 17, 2010
Oh, the places you'll go...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The parking meter ate my $5 today and my fingers felt like they were going to freeze, but you know I was still smiling because TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY AND YOU MADE ME SMILE!!! =)
Today is definitely a day to round up all the things that made me smile!
1. Talking and giggling with my grandma all morning
2. Volunteering at PHA
4. The kids remembered me! I'm becoming a friendly and familiar face!
5. The lady I work with is the so sweet and caring to her community
6. I made it back alive on my drive home...definitely fell asleep and drove off the road
7. Qdoba for lunch
8. Brown paper package from my "Maryland Family" <3
9. Cards from grandma and oppa
10. The many, many texts/calls/e-mails from friends who knew my birthday WITHOUT Facebook
11. Starbucks gift card from my mom who has already given me too many "birthday" gifts this past month.
12. Christmas family photo from the Kim's
13. ALL YOU CAN EAT crabs with my family and bestie Holly =)
14. Rest
15. Heaters in the car (it is so cold!)
16. Memories and having people to make and share them with
17. My mentor, Susan and our metaphors for the Holy Spirit (wind chimes, sailboats, and golfing)
I'm so tired because today was kind of a long day but I'm so happy and feel so blessed.
I am surrounded by God's goodness and I know his love is all around me.
Thank you so much, God!!! I know I'm so foolish, like all the time, but you never cease to show me favor unending.
Cheers to smiling big,
Today is definitely a day to round up all the things that made me smile!
1. Talking and giggling with my grandma all morning
2. Volunteering at PHA
4. The kids remembered me! I'm becoming a friendly and familiar face!
5. The lady I work with is the so sweet and caring to her community
6. I made it back alive on my drive home...definitely fell asleep and drove off the road
7. Qdoba for lunch
8. Brown paper package from my "Maryland Family" <3
9. Cards from grandma and oppa
10. The many, many texts/calls/e-mails from friends who knew my birthday WITHOUT Facebook
11. Starbucks gift card from my mom who has already given me too many "birthday" gifts this past month.
12. Christmas family photo from the Kim's
13. ALL YOU CAN EAT crabs with my family and bestie Holly =)
14. Rest
15. Heaters in the car (it is so cold!)
16. Memories and having people to make and share them with
17. My mentor, Susan and our metaphors for the Holy Spirit (wind chimes, sailboats, and golfing)
I'm so tired because today was kind of a long day but I'm so happy and feel so blessed.
I am surrounded by God's goodness and I know his love is all around me.
Thank you so much, God!!! I know I'm so foolish, like all the time, but you never cease to show me favor unending.
Cheers to smiling big,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Fact: I was a cheerleader in 7th grade for football season and then quit when basketball season came around because I was scared of walking in the dark back home from the late-bus. That's the first time I have ever confessed such a silly thing. Okay, that and I didn't like jumping up and down in the cold (my team sucked so bad).
So, what I'm getting at is...that even though I'm a quitter of a cheerleader, I have many cheerleaders in my life and that made me smile SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much the past few days.
My LSATs were today and there were so many of my friends who cheered me on, all the way up until I went to bed and into the morning. I have to say, I KNOW they were God-given and God-influenced because most of them were people whom I never thought would remember me for such a small thing. YA'LL KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND YA'LL ARE AMAZING! =)
And of course, I had my grandma praying for me all day, my big brother and mommy pray for me before I left. I had my cousin waiting for me back home and I got to meet with my mentor, Susan, on Thursday. And my Coyotes e-mailing/texting me. It's been a lovely week and God really surrounded me with the utmost love.
I could smile today during my test because God just kept reminding me that he loved me. Now that I'm done, I can just wait for my test and keep smiling because I know he loves me. That is the best and most life-giving blessing, to experience and know that God loves you. And when he chooses special people to reflect his love to you, even when they don't know they are, that is special too.
Smile big, kiddos <3 style="font-weight: bold;">
So, what I'm getting at is...that even though I'm a quitter of a cheerleader, I have many cheerleaders in my life and that made me smile SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much the past few days.
My LSATs were today and there were so many of my friends who cheered me on, all the way up until I went to bed and into the morning. I have to say, I KNOW they were God-given and God-influenced because most of them were people whom I never thought would remember me for such a small thing. YA'LL KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND YA'LL ARE AMAZING! =)
And of course, I had my grandma praying for me all day, my big brother and mommy pray for me before I left. I had my cousin waiting for me back home and I got to meet with my mentor, Susan, on Thursday. And my Coyotes e-mailing/texting me. It's been a lovely week and God really surrounded me with the utmost love.
I could smile today during my test because God just kept reminding me that he loved me. Now that I'm done, I can just wait for my test and keep smiling because I know he loves me. That is the best and most life-giving blessing, to experience and know that God loves you. And when he chooses special people to reflect his love to you, even when they don't know they are, that is special too.
Smile big, kiddos <3 style="font-weight: bold;">
Monday, December 6, 2010
You made me smile, all 4 of you!
Okay, so I like never double post, but I knew there was a reason why I didn't feel like making a "made me smile" list. So, today I had a little dinner with four of my girlies, Hyeji, Christina, Grace, and Jes. Hyeji made her unnis kahl gooksoo (AWESOME!!!) and then while I was slaving away making them some cake, they pulled out another cake in the fridge and SURPRISED me with an early (really early!) birthday cake! I was like, WHAT THE! =) Aww~ It was so sweet and it really made me smile. Here are some pictures!

Yeah...we're kinda ghetto and only have BB cameras. HAHA =P
And!!! Grace bought me Peeps, my secret obsession that isn't very secret!
Here are pictures of me beheading my cute little snowman Peep.

I look really nice, right? HAHA, jk!

...But not really! Muahaha~

What now, Snowman?!
Hahaha, I'm on a serious sugar-high. THANK YOU GIRLS FOR BEING SO SWEET!!! <3
I am happy, I am full, and I am blessed!
Oh! And I finally received my copy of "Design Revolution" by Emily Pilloton. So excited to read it! =)

Smile big,

Yeah...we're kinda ghetto and only have BB cameras. HAHA =P
And!!! Grace bought me Peeps, my secret obsession that isn't very secret!
Here are pictures of me beheading my cute little snowman Peep.
I look really nice, right? HAHA, jk!
...But not really! Muahaha~
What now, Snowman?!
Hahaha, I'm on a serious sugar-high. THANK YOU GIRLS FOR BEING SO SWEET!!! <3
I am happy, I am full, and I am blessed!
Oh! And I finally received my copy of "Design Revolution" by Emily Pilloton. So excited to read it! =)
Smile big,
Mom, I feel Sleepy.
You know, I used to think I was a very energetic person. Like, bouncing off the walls, boing-y toing-y, silly willy, free to be me energetic. Either something has changed within me or I've been sadly mistaken and am truly a sleepy being. Which also makes a lot of sense. I remember I used to fall asleep in 3rd grade all the time. And honestly, I kind of feel like I slept through my elementary school years...I barely remember it!
Well, I remember I cried one time because I made my friend cry because I asked her if she was picking her nose. HAHA, that cracks me up every time =P 1st grade with Mrs. Young (she was seriously old though). And she WAS pickin' her nose, or as my oppa says, "Touch your brain!"
Anyways, today I spent most of my time studying and sipping on a really bad cup of coffee. Not that I think I'm a coffee expert, but you know a good cup of a coffee from a bad cup from the way they taste after they lose their heat. I miss "Do Me a Flavor" coffee...and their bagels...
So, usually I do a list of things that made me smile...but it's not quite the end of the day and I am so hungry that I feel compelled to list a things that I would like to eat.
(Dear God, I hope this doesn't come off as complaining! I just want to remember my weird and random cravings. If you want to help me eat them, that'd be kinda cool...=) Well, not that you eat...or maybe you do...but like if you want to help me get them...yeah...)
Things that I'd like to eat:
-Crown Fried Chicken with an obscene amount of hot sauce
-McDonald's 89cent Hamburgers
-And...a McChicken...with fries...and large coke...with their large straw!
-Betty Crocker Confetti Cake Mix (baked, of course!) smothered in Pillsbury Cheesecake Icing
-Baked & Wired Blueberry Lemon Cupcake
-Banana bread pudding (...something I've actually never had, but I think would be amazing)
-Kimchee Bbokkeum Bahp w/SPAM
-IHOP Buttermilk Pancakes
-Pad Thai
-Thai Red Currry OR Evil Jungle Princess
-Caramel Popcorn
-Greys Papaya Hotdog (but it has to be at like 2 am or something)
-Chicken and Rice (again, must be like 2 am or something)
-Mojito from Cuba Libre
-David's Mai Lai Wa...salty squid
-Qdoba Burrito
-Taco Bell
-Butter Pecan Ice Cream
-Soo Jae Bi
Okay, I think that's it for now...=) That made me feel better for some reason. HAHA
Well, I remember I cried one time because I made my friend cry because I asked her if she was picking her nose. HAHA, that cracks me up every time =P 1st grade with Mrs. Young (she was seriously old though). And she WAS pickin' her nose, or as my oppa says, "Touch your brain!"
Anyways, today I spent most of my time studying and sipping on a really bad cup of coffee. Not that I think I'm a coffee expert, but you know a good cup of a coffee from a bad cup from the way they taste after they lose their heat. I miss "Do Me a Flavor" coffee...and their bagels...
So, usually I do a list of things that made me smile...but it's not quite the end of the day and I am so hungry that I feel compelled to list a things that I would like to eat.
(Dear God, I hope this doesn't come off as complaining! I just want to remember my weird and random cravings. If you want to help me eat them, that'd be kinda cool...=) Well, not that you eat...or maybe you do...but like if you want to help me get them...yeah...)
Things that I'd like to eat:
-Crown Fried Chicken with an obscene amount of hot sauce
-McDonald's 89cent Hamburgers
-And...a McChicken...with fries...and large coke...with their large straw!
-Betty Crocker Confetti Cake Mix (baked, of course!) smothered in Pillsbury Cheesecake Icing
-Baked & Wired Blueberry Lemon Cupcake
-Banana bread pudding (...something I've actually never had, but I think would be amazing)
-Kimchee Bbokkeum Bahp w/SPAM
-IHOP Buttermilk Pancakes
-Pad Thai
-Thai Red Currry OR Evil Jungle Princess
-Caramel Popcorn
-Greys Papaya Hotdog (but it has to be at like 2 am or something)
-Chicken and Rice (again, must be like 2 am or something)
-Mojito from Cuba Libre
-David's Mai Lai Wa...salty squid
-Qdoba Burrito
-Taco Bell
-Butter Pecan Ice Cream
-Soo Jae Bi
Okay, I think that's it for now...=) That made me feel better for some reason. HAHA
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