Monday, December 27, 2010

I think I really miss it

Thought 1:
I miss winter breaks. Winter breaks are special because they are too short for you to feel obligated from working to fill your resume and they're just long enough to get you pumped for the semester that follows. Everyone keeps asking me, "Are you excited about winter break?" Woe is me, I have no winter break. I have winter, but no break.

Thought 2:
The phrase "live a little" has taken on new meaning for me. I feel like people usually say that when the person's too uptight to go out for drinks or bungee jumping or something crazy and spontaneous. To me, it means "enjoy the process".

In the coming new year, I want to be transformed into someone who LIVES rather than someone who is planning how to live. I want to appreciate the steps God allows me take rather than starring anxiously at the prize.

Thought 3: Is it sad that I don't know how to play in the snow? =( Someone teach me! Every winter, something always comes up and I don't get to play in the snow. I have become quite the awkward snow player in my 23 (EW) years of life.

Smile big, kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. playing in snow:

    MAKE A GIANT SNOWMAN! and then for extra fun, destroy it :P i'm quite serious!
