This past weekend, I went on an sort-of-impromptu trip to NYC. I say "sort of" because I had been planning to go for a month, canceled, then morning of decided to go. My brother got me tickets to the NFL Draft at Radio City Music Hall, so I went with two of my girlfriends. I thought people were going to hate on us for loving the Eagles, but this one chick was a Patriots fan...and apparently EVERYONE hates Boston and Tom she and her one friend kind of got owned...really bad.
At any rate, it was fun and I even cried a little when this one dude got chosen. I forget his name but the man was so emotional and he dragged his whole family, all 55 cousins and aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews out onto the stage with him.
I have to especially welcome Mr. JAIQUAWN JARRETT from TEMPLE UNIVERSITY to the PHILADELPHIA EAGLES!!! 2 for 2, from my school, for my team!!!
Mission IMPROMPTU NYC - Success. OH! And I bought a bathing suit!!! TAKE ME TO THE BEACH SOMEONE...I'm so ready to pig out and tan. =P
Smile Big,
!!!!!!!!! mucho jealous!