God picks such crucial moments to sit you down (literally, I was sitting in my car seat) and quiet everything around you (again, literally had to shut off my engine and sit in the middle of a closed off neighborhood entrance where no one can enter). And he gave me the "new" 5-Second Rule:
Now, depending on the kind of situation you are in, it could take longer but here are the steps I took during my "5-seconds":
1. STOP! Get something to write on/type on and write down everything that has gone wrong
3. BE HONEST about how you are feeling and what you are thinking. No one is around to scold you for being the way you simply are.
4. Repeat what you wrote to God
5. Think about the worst thing that can happen to you, which for most people in all extreme cases is DEATH.
6. Touch your face. If you can feel your face, you are probably still alive. Good for you. Pat yourself on the back.
7. Since you reminded yourself that you have not faced the worst of the worst, all those awful things still might make you feel stinky, but REMIND YOURSELF there is hope yet to make things right.
8. Breathe and move forward.
Hehe, I know, I know! This is pretty silly, but honestly...this is what I did in my car as I waited for my mom and AAA to come and save my ass! And you know what? God restored a little bit more joy and hope in my heart than I had started out with today.
You know how they say, "Hey, it's not the end of the world"? It's TRUE (to some extent). And honestly, as I was driving home, I was so thankful because even if I did die I know exactly where I am going! And where I'm headed ain't so bad :P
Okay, so it's just 2:12pm, Friday afternoon. I still have time to do what I can. I still have time for God to change me and work in me.
So remember the next time you're feeling frustrated, discouraged, or anxious: 5-Second Rule!
Take the 5 seconds to Stop, think, be honest, pray, and count your blessings. It's easier than makin' pie!
Eat your veggies, kids!
Smile Big,
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