Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's called "TODAY"

"I am a dreamer
Take me higher
Open the sky up
Start a fire
I believe
Even if it's just a dream"
-"Dreamer" by Bethany Dillon

Must I take my head out of the clouds?
It's just nicer there.
The sun is always shining above the clouds.

I feel like it's been one hit after the next.
As soon as I recover...BAM! Knocked down.
But, maybe I shouldn't complain because none of the doors have closed.
I'm not seeing the end.
Which, truly, could only mean that it's not the end.
And I just have more steps to take.

Okay, so I'll take my head out of the clouds for a little bit tonight so that can remember today. As soon as my head hits the hay, back to dreaming!

Things that made me smile:
-The pear that saved my life (Thanks Andrew!...Even though you will never see this!)
-Recording in the studio with Chan & Andrew, Scott & Matt
-"By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North
-Finding the mixed CD Mina made me back in high school
-The flexibility of my job and encouragements from my boss
-Baking cookies
-Steak and veggie dinner mommy made for me
-IKEA's newest chairs
-Dancing with the Stars
-My glasses (I felt like my contacts were going to suck off my eyeballs! EW!)
-Being at Wegmans
-Spending time with Colette and PHA
-Buying turkeys for the first time

Things I need to work on:
-Being present and concerned for the NOW
-Sticking it out, especially when it's tough
-Stop questioning

I'm so excited to switch my Invisalign tray tomorrow! It's my 3rd set!
3 down, 10 more to go!

Smile big,

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