Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Something I've always wanted to do

Today, I went over my friend Missy's house and refurbished some furniture.
It wasn't really big wood work, just some sanding, wood-filling, re-coloring bar stools...
but I've always wanted to work with wood and renew furniture.
It was really fun and I felt like such a little kid!

Thanks God for keeping me busy today =)

Smile big,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A wiki-wokka-wooki-woo!

I love Wikipedia.
Here, I'll link you:

Is is bad that I feel enriched and enlightened every time I read something from Wiki?

Let's learn. Let's Wiki.
(Dude, what an awesome slogan. I should get paid for this.)

...In other news...
I sorta ran up a wall during my Tae Kwon Do class today. I was really bad at it. HAHAHA =)

Smile Big,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I will sing of love come down...

I encourage you to listen to this song, "Lord, You Have My Heart" by Delirious. I was deeply blessed by it this morning.

Things that made me smile:
-Even though God is the only one who has the authority to judge me, he takes me as I am
-Even though my family is imperfect, I know we are blessed
-Even though I am imperfect, I know I am blessed
-I am blessed because I know Jesus
-Today was only the second day of teaching the 1st graders, but one of my students thanked God that I was teaching them today during prayer. That truly made me feel special and I know that was from God beautiful it is, how unique simple phrases can be with the switch of a note, key, tone
-The rain
-I physically felt God teaching me today in my heart, helping me to restrain from saying certain things and encourage in others
-Yum Yum Donuts!
-My jeans fit me today. HAHA =P
-The idea of "refuge"
-Being able to drive on my driveway again (we've been parking on the side of the road because we just re-paved our driveway)
-My 1st graders can admit that they're not perfect, something people my age and older can't confess or believe about themselves.
-Pandora. *Click! Click!* and music plays

Smile big,

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Thank You's

Well, technically it's Saturday, but my Friday evening spilled over into Saturday due to a movie night with my two bestest cousins, Grace & Jes. We went to go and see Eat, Pray, Love. I'm here...back home...getting ready for bed...and smiling because there are things to be thankful for. I haven't done this in awhile, so here I go to close off my "Friday" night!

Things that made me smile:

-I know how much my family loves ones another, loves me
-I know how much I love my family!
-God truly has provided the best company ever, every day
-I got to spend time with my dad playing golf
-My drive got better while I was practicing
-My mom cracks me up even though she thoroughly annoys me
-My mom's trip got canceled...I know this sounds like an awful thing to say, but I had serious anxieties about her leaving. Like cried-in-the-car-by-myself-praying-every-day-last-week serious anxieties. I seriously can't help that I have issues and serious attachment issues with my family...okay?
-God understands me.
-I went shopping with Missy to little thrift stores to plan for our cafe and also met people of faith along the way
-I bonded with Missy and Judy, once again! I love Cafe Ministry small group <3
-My student, David, was such a delight to teach
-I had my very first Sunday school lesson with the first graders
-Even though I couldn't finish my lesson, I think the kids enjoyed their time with me =)
-I got to play on the piano today and just sing
-God provided those beautiful chairs for my church and he let me be a part of that

-I am sitting at home knowing that everyone in my family, my dad, mom, Joe oppa, Phil, Soona unni, and G.Ma are all under the same roof, resting.

I smile. I smile BEEG. I smile BEEG like mile. =)

Smile big,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More on my Mary & Martha rant...

So, several days ago, I was looking at Luke 10:38-42 and realized things about myself. I've been digesting the passage and even unexpectedly found a sermon on it by Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church. I encourage you guys to check this video out and take the time to slow down your day and understand the heart of Christ Jesus.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Praise God & 83 Chairs!

Below is an e-mail I wrote to three lovely ladies at my church. Two of whom, along with myself, are the core group for my church's newest small group: cafe ministry. The e-mail will describe what went down today.

"Missy, Judy, and & Marilyn,

I can't contain myself because of what the Lord allowed me to hear. This e-mail is regarding the cafe ministry and our prayer request for furniture. Marilyn, although you are not officially a part of the cafe ministry, I just HAD to include you in the e-mail because this experience reminded me of you!

Okay, so I was on my way to drop off Phil at work and we're talking about where I can study. He suggested Panera Bread because it was close by but I told him I didn't want to go there because it was too "commercial"...haha =P Before he got out of the car he said, "Well, good luck wasting your time looking for another cafe!" And my pride was kind of hurt and GOD did something in my heart to give in for my pursuit to find the "perfect place" to study and I opted to go to Panera.

So...I'm sitting at Panera with my Earl Grey tea (DELISH!!!) and blueberry muffin (EVEN MORE DELISH!!!), doing some LSAT practice problems and for one second, my ears perked up at the sound of one of the bus boy's conversations! He was talking to another worker and said, "We're getting new furniture and are getting rid of the ones we have right now." God INSTANTANEOUSLY reminded me of our cafe ministry and our request for cafe furniture!!! Okay, so I lifted up a quick prayer to God because I was starting too get REALLY EXCITED!...I finished my problems and decided to go talk to the manager to find out what they woudl be doing with the old furniture (WHICH LOOK IN PERFECTLY GOOD CONDITION!!!).

Here's what went down:
Basically, Panera workers get first dibs. Whatever is left, is given to the contractors later tonight AFTER business closing, and THEN are thrown in the DUMPSTER.
Okay, so here's my "plan" and I would love it if one of you could join me.
I will be heading to Panera around 8:45pm today, 15 minutes before closing, to speak with the manager (it'll be someone different because of changing shifts). Then depending on what he/she says, we'll wait for the contractors and speak with them. I've already ask both my dad and my brother to see if there are people who can lend us trucks/vans to for the furniture if God allows us to have it. The dumpster comes around 2-3 am...but I'm hoping we can get the furniture well before then if it's up for grabs.

This could be God showing us an opportunity. Regardless of what the outcome of this, God has given me hope. Please lift up praises and thanks to God while asking him to make tonight possible!
I'm just so excited to see what God does tonight. I am definitely hoping that He would allow our church to have the furniture and I have to say that I'll be disappointed if we don't...but I know I am still encouraged because He has given us hope that there are possibilities out there for GOD'S cafe ministry to happen solely by HIS power and HIS mercy <3

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Can someone flip out with me! =) This is so cool!


That e-mail was sent sometime around 3pm this afternoon. It is now 11:34pm and my church now has 83 BEAUTIFUL cafe chairs. I know that God provided them for us. I know God will fill those seats.

I can't help but smile and giggle.
My should seriously hurts, I didn't do well on my practice test, I don't know what tomorrow will bring. All I know is that God LIVES and that is more than I can ask for.

Smile Big,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I don't want to be Martha!

...but I'm finding that I've totally been such a Martha!

"As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, 'Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? tell her to help me!'
'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.'"
-Luke 10:38-42

Thank you, Lord for your words of wisdom. Thank you that you don't want me to scurry about trying to make everything work the way I think it should. Thank you, that you would rather have me sit by your feet and hear your words than to work tirelessly and purposelessly. Thank you for your mercy. If we had to work off our salvation, we would have no chance of being with you in heaven.

Lord, I have so many fears and worries. Lord, I know you hear me when I cry out to you.
Remind me to be still and quiet before you. You are the God who LIVES and BREATHES life into all things. You are the God who raises and sets the sun. You are the God who reflects his light upon the moon so that we may see even in darkness.

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do no fret--it only leads to evil.
For evil men will be cut off,
but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land."
-Psalm 37:7-9

Smile Big,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have eyes, but I don't always see... I decided to open them wider, only to find that I still didn't see... I closed them, only to see the back of my eyelids... I just kept them the way they were supposed to...
...decided to go for a walk...
...slow down...
...quiet down...
...speak slowly...
...and guess what!

...I saw the trees, sun, cars, sidewalk, homes, children, parents, and birds.
I saw the world moving on even though I couldn't see.

There is someone much bigger than I, who works the mornings into evening.
I could stand still as much as I wanted to, try to see, stretch my eyes far ahead to see what's before, but regardless of my tiresome ways...God still works in the world and in me.

Lord, I know that you will let me see whatever you want me to see.
Protect my eyes, ears, mouth, and soul.
Make me a "good tree" that will bear "good fruit".
Even though I can't quite see and I don't quite understand, I know you are near me.
So even though you gave sight to the blind man, I hope that I would be a woman who could remain "blind" and trust you enough that you will allow me to "see".
These are insane words...because what if I do become blind?
All the more to lean on you Lord <3
Keep me Lord!

