Monday, March 29, 2010

Philly Treatsies

There's something about itty bitty goodies that make me smile.
While I was running off of 3hrs of sleep today at a service outreach event for work, they had baby soft pretzels and free Tastykakes... =)

Friend: You gotta rub the Tastykake on your belly so the icing don't stick.
Me: Haha, you can do that with your hand, too!
Friend: They taste better when you rub them on your belly.

That, definitely, made me smile...and giggle too =)

Smile Big,


  1. ellen, those look delicious. and it's past 1am right now..

  2. those DO look delicious! im in class and im so hungry now :(

    mm. please. can we play? <3 :( imissu
